Enrich your Lenten practice with scripture and stories of faith from our church family.
Thursday Women's Bible Study
Thursdays, February & March | 1 Pm | Room 200
It reads like a soap opera, but the message is far from superficial.
The Book of Esther is a story of courage in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join Pastor Emily as we walk through this historical book of the Bible.
Moms Mornings with Jesus
Wednesdays, February 5 - March 12 | 10 am | Room 200
Join us for a six week study as we meet God through the mothers of scripture. Pastor Stacy will lead this study - books and childcare will be provided! Register today on REALM and bring a friend!
Monday Morning Bible Study
Grumpy Old Men - The Minor(?) Prophets with Pastor Kevin
Mondays, Beginning February 3 | 9:30 am | Room 200 & Zoom
Monday morning bible study resumes with a 12 week series on prophets you may not know. Even though the Minor Prophets are some of the least read books of Scripture, they are also some of the richest. These voices declare God’s glory by witnessing to God’s steadfast love and mercy. They demonstrate God’s holiness in God’s intense anger toward sin. They proclaim a humanity created to live in harmony and justice.
Westbank Women Bible Study
Wednesdays | 10 am | Parlor
WWBS is for women of all ages who desire to keep their faith steady as well as enjoy and support one another. Join us for fellowship and Bible study.
Jan 8 - Feb 5: Praying Like Monks
Feb 12 – Mar 12: Women of the Bible
Mar 26 – May 7: What Did Jesus Do?
Contacts: Christy Engemoen (cengemoen@aol.com) or Mary Allaway (mballaway@aol.com).
Tuesday Morning Men’s Group
Tuesdays | 7:00 am I Church Parlor
“The Message of Jesus Words That Changed The World" | March 11 through April 15
Join our Tuesday Morning Men’s Prayer Group at 7 am Tuesdays in the church Parlor.
For more info, contact Mike Ussery.
Sr. Men’s Bible Study
Tuesdays | 8 am | Zoom
Join this small group of men who read through the Bible, explore the context in which it was written and discuss its meaning for our lives today. Contact Bill Allaway for a Zoom invite.