Adult Classes
Sundays, January 26 - March 2 | 9:45 am | Ross Hall
Kyle is a therapist and a coach who specializes in working with men and couples. Fun fact - Kyle, his wife Morgan and their 3 daughters were members of WHPC for 11 years, with Kyle serving as the Director of Family Ministry during that time. Please join us for a wonderful class for parents of all stages.
Sundays, Beginning January 26 | 9:45 am | Parlor
Building on our theme for 2025 – Health and Wholeness, our adult bible study class will kick off a 6 week series, Stories of Hope and Healing. This pastor-led class takes a deep dive into stories of healing from our gospels and Hebrew Scripture. We will delve into the cultural and historical contexts of these stories and discern together how they continue to guide our lives and the life of the Church.
Sundays | 9:45 am | Room 202
Contemplative Christian practice quiets the mind to allow for the experience of God’s presence in that moment and (eventually) in every aspect of life. Our Contemplative Christianity class offers the opportunity for group study, discussion, and experience of this ancient-yet-modern Christian approach to knowing God. We share a group reading and discussion, often accompanied by a practice opportunity.
Janis Claflin facilitates the class and is happy to answer questions, 512-657-5498,
9:45 - 10:45 am | 3 Years - 5 grade | In person
Childcare is available during all worship services and Sunday school.
No registration is required. We would love to see you and your kiddos!
9:45 am - 10:45 am | Youth Room
Join us Sunday morning to explore and grow in our Faith together as we go through the letter of Romans. Donuts and coffee for all!