Sundays, Beginning January 26 | 9:45 am | Parlor
Building on our theme for 2025 – Health and Wholeness, our adult bible study class will kick off a 6 week series, Stories of Hope and Healing. This pastor-led class takes a deep dive into stories of healing from our gospels and Hebrew Scripture. We will delve into the cultural and historical contexts of these stories and discern together how they continue to guide our lives and the life of the Church.
Rev. Chris Knepp teaches on the healing of blind Bartimaemus (Mark 10:46-52).
In this third session of our Stories of Hope and Healing series, Chris Knepp leads a deep dive into John 5:1-18, where Jesus heals the man at the Pool of Bethesda. Together, we explore the barriers to healing – both in the story and in our lives. What keeps us from experiencing the wholeness Jesus offers?
Pastor Emily teaches the 2nd installment of Stories of Healing, concerning the Hemorrhaging Woman.
The first session of Stories of Hope and Healing. In this class, we dive into the story of Naaman from 2 Kings, reflecting on how pride and humility shape our experiences of health and healing.