WINTER Signulls
Wednesdays’s | Signulls (HS - Incoming 9th - 12th Grade) | 7:30 - 8:45 PM at the church
7:30 - Snacks, Games, and hangout
8:15 - High School related talk and small groups
Sundays, Beginning January 26 | 9:45 am | Parlor
Building on our theme for 2025 – Health and Wholeness, our adult bible study class will kick off a 6 week series, Stories of Hope and Healing. This pastor-led class takes a deep dive into stories of healing from our gospels and Hebrew Scripture. We will delve into the cultural and historical contexts of these stories and discern together how they continue to guide our lives and the life of the Church.
March 9 - April 13 | 9:45 am | Ross Hall
Join other young parents in this Lenten class discussing the final days of Jesus on earth. Pastor Stephen Finkel will facilitate as we discuss the major moments of the Holy Week story. Don't miss this wonder time of sharing and learning with video shot in the Holy Land by Methodist pastor Adam Hamilton.
Enrich your Lenten practice with scripture and stories of faith from our church family.
Quadragesima means "40 Days" in Latin. Open your heart to transformation this Lent. Join our 40-day Preparation as we read scripture and journal during the week, and then meet in person on Sunday mornings for prayer and discussion.
Learn more about this Lenten discipline. If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Stacy.
March 5
Dinner | 5:30 pm | Dining Hall
Orientation & Prayer | 6:15-6:30 pm | Chapel
|March 9 - April 13 | 10 am