Our mission is to invite people into God’s larger story as we follow Christ together.

We’re so excited to launch Humans of WHPC! Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this series is our way of shining a light on the incredible individuals who make up our WHPC family. Through their unique perspectives and heartfelt experiences, we’ll celebrate the stories of faith, resilience, and love that define our community.
Each person has a journey, and every story holds the power to inspire, connect, and remind us of God’s presence in our lives. From moments of joy and triumph to times of struggle and growth, Humans of WHPC will share the diverse and authentic experiences that reflect the heart of who we are as a church.
We hope these stories encourage you, deepen your faith, and help us all feel more connected as one family in Christ. Stay tuned for inspiring interviews and heartfelt reflections from the people who make WHPC such a special place!
March 23 - Third Sunday of Lent
9 & 11 am | Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45 am | Study Hour for all Ages
11 am | ASL Interpreter
March 30 - Fourth Sunday of Lent
9 & 11 am | Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45 am | Study Hour for all Ages
11 am | ASL Interpreter

Our Ministries offer a variety of events to help families, groups, communities, and individuals join together and learn more about God.
March 24 | 6:30 pm | Sanctuary
Join the Easter Choir to sing on a short-term basis! Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm beginning Monday, March 24 through Easter Sunday, April 20. The Easter Choir sings Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Contact Emily Craven for more information.
March 26 | 12 pm | Sanctuary
All are invited to attend our Lenten Organ Recital Series. Each recital will feature an Organist from the Austin area. This six-week series is free and open to the public in-person and will be Livestreamed on the WHPC YouTube channel.
Guest Organist: Jiae Kwak
Friday, March 28 | 6-8 pm | Urban Air (Bee Cave location)
We are heading to Urban Air Adventure & Trampoline Park! What could be better than having a ton of fun jumping around with all of your friends!
Sunday, March 30 | 9:45 am - 10:45 am | Youth Ministry Sunday School Room
This time of fellowship, breakfast, and light program will allow you to meet our new Student Ministry Director. All parents of kids ages K-12 are welcome to come. Students in the youth ministry are also welcome! Registering will help us get a head count for the breakfast.
Sunday, March 30 | 12 pm - 1:30 pm | Parlor
Join us for a light lunch and seminar as we explore the basic contours of a life of purpose and meaning as we age. This will be a presentation by Pastor Stacy Ikard who is studying the spirituality of ageing at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio Texas. Come for learning, inspiration and discussion.
Monday, March 31 | 7 pm | Sanctuary
Join us for a special performance by the Austin College A Cappella Choir! Founded in 1946, this renowned choir will present a diverse selection of unaccompanied choral music spanning from the 17th century to today. This free concert is open to all - come experience an evening of beautiful and inspiring music!
March 19 | 12 pm | Sanctuary
All are invited to attend our Lenten Organ Recital Series. Each recital will feature an Organist from the Austin area. This six-week series is free and open to the public in-person and will be Livestreamed on the WHPC YouTube channel.
Guest Organist: Dr. Jill Nennmann
April 3 | 11:30 am | Dining Hall
We are delighted to welcome WHPC member, Nancy Douglas as our Speaker!
Nancy's journey from Colorado Springs to Austin in 1985, following Mike's transition from Young Life to become the youth minister at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church (WHPC), is a testament to faith and adaptability. Arriving with two toddlers and leaving behind a supportive community, the move was initially challenging. Yet, four decades later, their commitment to WHPC has remained steadfast, leading to the blessing of four children and eight Texas-born grandchildren. Nancy eagerly anticipates sharing the ways God has guided her life journey.
This is a fun, relaxed way to meet other women, so please join us and invite a friend. Childcare provided with a reservation. We look forward to connecting with you at the luncheon.
April 3 | 6:30 - 9 pm | Barton Creek Country Club
Come join us for the Men’s Quarterly Pickleball Tournament This fellowship event is a great opportunity to connect and have fun with a growing community of guys from around Austin. Bring a friend, co-worker, or neighbor!
April 9 | 12 pm | Sanctuary
All are invited to attend our Lenten Organ Recital Series. Each recital will feature an Organist from the Austin area. This six-week series is free and open to the public in-person and will be Livestreamed on the WHPC YouTube channel.
Guest Organist: Sara Burden-McClure
April 16 | 12 pm | Sanctuary
All are invited to attend our Lenten Organ Recital Series. Each recital will feature an Organist from the Austin area. This six-week series is free and open to the public in-person and will be Livestreamed on the WHPC YouTube channel.
Guest Organist: Brian Tanaka
Light Lunch Reception After Recital
April 25 - 27, 2025 | Mo Ranch
Join us for a relaxing, fun weekend with your family and friends. Contact Teresa Ward if you have any questions or need assistance registering.
June 9-12 | Monday-Thursday | 9 am-12pm
All kids ages 4 years - 5th grade
Live it out this summer with VBS! We are going to excite and inspire kids to Live It Out and love like Jesus! We believe God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Your child will experience four days God centered FUN, to play games, sing songs, do crafts, and learn to celebrate the good news of Jesus.
Volunteer with us for VBS 2025: Live it Out! We are eager and excited to guide our kids through an energetic and God filled week, and we need YOUR help to make it happen! Live it Out VBS will help kids strengthen their relationship with God knowing they are loved, leading them to Live it Out to share the love of Christ with others! Please join us as we shepherd our students through worship, fun, and fellowship.
June 15-20, 2025
Middle schoolers are invited to join us in the heart of San Antonio this summer, we will serve others by making homes safe, warm, and dry. Students will get the opportunity to gain new skills like working with power tools and tarring roofs (under adult supervision). This project is safe and done along side the empowering staff at Blueprint.
July 5-11 | Alaska
This summer, we’re thrilled to partner with Praying Pelicans Mission for an incredible journey to Alaska! Known for its breathtaking landscapes and welcoming communities, Alaska is a vast land with unique challenges. Home to around 730,000 people, half of whom live in cities like Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau, many Alaskans reside in remote areas only accessible by planes, boats, and ATVs. Despite its natural beauty and vibrant summer tourism, Alaska faces deep struggles, including poverty, homelessness, mental health issues, and addiction. On this mission trip, you’ll team up with local churches, nonprofits, and Christian camps to make a positive impact.
March 9 - April 13 | 9:45 am | Ross Hall
Join other young parents in this Lenten class discussing the final days of Jesus on earth. Pastor Stephen Finkel will facilitate as we discuss the major moments of the Holy Week story. Don't miss this wonder time of sharing and learning with video shot in the Holy Land by Methodist pastor Adam Hamilton.
Enrich your Lenten practice with scripture and stories of faith from our church family.
Quadragesima means "40 Days" in Latin. Open your heart to transformation this Lent. Join our 40-day Preparation as we read scripture and journal during the week, and then meet in person on Sunday mornings for prayer and discussion.
Learn more about this Lenten discipline. If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Stacy.
March 5
Dinner | 5:30 pm | Dining Hall
Orientation & Prayer | 6:15-6:30 pm | Chapel
|March 9 - April 13 | 10 am
Sundays, March 9 - April 13 | 9:45 am | Dining Hall
Join this Lenten Adult Sunday Morning Class to study the scripture behind Handel’s musical masterpiece, The Messiah. The pastors will lead this fun interactive experience.
Thursdays, February & March | 1 Pm | Room 200
It reads like a soap opera, but the message is far from superficial.
The Book of Esther is a story of courage in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join Pastor Emily as we walk through this historical book of the Bible.
Wednesdays, February 5 - March 12 | 10 am | Room 200
Join us for a six week study as we meet God through the mothers of scripture. Pastor Stacy will lead this study - books and childcare will be provided! Register today on REALM and bring a friend!
Grumpy Old Men - The Minor(?) Prophets with Pastor Kevin
Mondays, Beginning February 3 | 9:30 am | Room 200 & Zoom
Monday morning bible study resumes with a 12 week series on prophets you may not know. Even though the Minor Prophets are some of the least read books of Scripture, they are also some of the richest. These voices declare God’s glory by witnessing to God’s steadfast love and mercy. They demonstrate God’s holiness in God’s intense anger toward sin. They proclaim a humanity created to live in harmony and justice.
Wednesdays | 10 am | Parlor
WWBS is for women of all ages who desire to keep their faith steady as well as enjoy and support one another. Join us for fellowship and Bible study.
Jan 8 - Feb 5: Praying Like Monks
Feb 12 – Mar 12: Women of the Bible
Mar 26 – May 7: What Did Jesus Do?
Contacts: Christy Engemoen (cengemoen@aol.com) or Mary Allaway (mballaway@aol.com).
Tuesdays | 7:00 am I Church Parlor
“The Message of Jesus Words That Changed The World" | March 11 through April 15
Join our Tuesday Morning Men’s Prayer Group at 7 am Tuesdays in the church Parlor.
For more info, contact Mike Ussery.
Sundays | 9:45 am | Room 202
Contemplative Christian practice quiets the mind to allow for the experience of God’s presence in that moment and (eventually) in every aspect of life. Our Contemplative Christianity class offers the opportunity for group study, discussion, and experience of this ancient-yet-modern Christian approach to knowing God. We share a group reading and discussion, often accompanied by a practice opportunity.
Janis Claflin facilitates the class and is happy to answer questions, 512-657-5498, jcforpeace@gmail.com.
Tuesdays | 8 am | Zoom
Join this small group of men who read through the Bible, explore the context in which it was written and discuss its meaning for our lives today. Contact Bill Allaway for a Zoom invite.
Ghost Cave by Helen Currie Foster F
A mystery novel about a big-city lawyer, Alice MacDonald Greer, who moves to a small Texas town and becomes involved in a case involving prehistoric rock paintings and a murdered rancher.
* Helen will attend and provide her author’s insights!
Apr 17 | 11:00 CT in-person/Noon Zoom
The Women by Kristin Hannah HF
Join us at 11:00 CT for lunch and a discussion of this novel that pays tribute to the often-overlooked sacrifices of women in the Vietnam War. Its gripping narrative and character development make it a compelling read for anyone interested in an understanding of this period in American history.
Theo of Golden by Allen Levi F
This is the endearing story of Theo, a curious old man, who quietly moves into a southern city and, for reasons unknown to anyone but himself, undertakes a campaign of anonymous generosity.
Stories are shared, friendships are born, and lives, in response to his inexplicable kindness, are affirmed and transformed.
The WHPC Library adds new items to it’s collection each month. Visit the Library and find treasures for all ages.
Meet Élida, an extraordinary woman who works in the kitchen of a local hotel, cares for her family, and attends ESL class at Manos de Cristo. Élida’s story is not only inspiring, but also a powerful reminder of the grit, determination, and resilience that immigrants bring to this country.
As an ESL instructor, I had the pleasure of teaching Élida in an Introductory ESL (English as a Second Language) class. During one of our classes, we worked on English vocabulary for weekly schedules, and I asked Élida to share her schedule with the class. What I heard next completely blew me away!
Through the Mobile Loaves & Fishes (MLF) food truck ministry, volunteers provide food, clothing, hygiene products and other life-sustaining items to our homeless neighbors 7 nights a week, 365 days a year.
Mobile Loaves & Fishes is also the visionary organization behind Community First! Village, a master planned development in east Austin that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for the disabled, chronically homeless in Central Texas.
WHPC is responsible for make-ready and truck run shifts on the first and second Sundays of every month.
Visit www.mlf.org to learn more.
WHPC has a long history of supporting MLF with transitioning people from homelessness to being part of a community that includes housing, dignified income, physical and mental well being, and supportive relationships. We are continuing to do this with monthly gatherings at King Park area of Community First. These gatherings focus on hanging out with neighbors and sharing a meal. Think of it as cul-de-sac party/cook out in your neighborhood. Grilling, games & conversations … This is a family friendly event that will bless all those that participate.
Written by Handy and Barbara Williamson
Anyone who doubts the saying, “the gift is in the giving,” should try volunteering, especially given multiple opportunities through Caring Ministries at WHPC. For us, it began with The Gathering and expanded to include Community First. In addition, we spent a Sunday afternoon riding in the Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck delivering meals to the homeless.
Although each experience was different, the commonality was meeting people where they were, without judgment, and trying to lend a helping hand.
Attending a mission trip to Belize with 25 WHPC students and other adult leaders was deeply spirit-filling and humbling at the same time. We served alongside the San Lazaro Pentecostal Church community in sharing God’s Goodness and Grace with children, youth, adults and those of all ages and stages homebound and in need. Getting to know the local children was amazing and we played every version of every game you can play with a soccer ball and shared hugs, laughter and fun in the sweltering heat and humidity while surrounded by Belize’s natural beauty!
I was honored to get to know some of our high schoolers and experience and validate how their time in relationship with the holy spirt at WHPC has given them these amazing gifts of loving and knowing a GOD who is Good, Steadfast and an ever-present friend to all. Their unique talents, gifts, strengths and even their struggles allowed them to connect with the 50 plus children in attendance at our Vacation Bible School throughout the week.
For me, the everlasting impact of this mission trip is a reminder that this community of Christians in San Lazaro know that there at 30 Americans over 1500 miles away, who will never forget them, prays for them and is reminded in big and small ways daily of their open hearts, generosity and kindness (and some of the best chicken we’ve ever had!!!) The tangible ways the people of San Lazaro showed and shared God’s love with us in those 6 days is more than we could have ever hoped to receive, and I think I speak for all of us there, our cups runneth over. Praise be the Lord!
Every year, WHPC hosts a special offering on Christmas Eve. In 2022, you all raised $100,000 that went to the Afghan Refugee Ministry and Memory Care Academy of Austin.
In 2024 we have high hopes to bring independence to our Afghan Refugee women.
Our refugee women rarely if ever leave their home. The local mosque here in Austin contacted us and asked us to encourage the women to experience community and education beyond their homes. They have encouraged the women to come to the Mosque during the day so that they can receive English as a Second Language classes while free childcare is provided. The mosque is eager to see the women break the cycle of dependency!
At WHPC, our mission is to invite people into God's larger story as we follow Christ together.
For our congregation, these words are more than a simple invitation. They are a charge to discern God's call in our lives together so that we may live out a faith meeting the needs of the world around us. Through much prayer and discernment, we are excited to heed God's call to more intentionally minister to the faith formation needs of young people in our community, specifically people ages 0 to 30. From our youngest disciples to our young adults, WHPC wants to be a faith home for those seeking a deeper walk with Christ.
We are excited that the Holy Spirit has led us to the place where we are ready to add a new pastoral position to our amazing staff. The Associate Pastor for Faith Formation of Young People will be responsible for shaping the discipleship of the 0 to 30-year-old age groups as well as supervising the amazing teams that serve these demographics: Children's Ministry, Student Ministry, and the Westlake Hills Presbyterian Preschool.
If you are interested in learning more about the position, or you know someone for whom this might be a fit, please click the link below to learn more!
The Church Organist/Pianist at WHPC is a part-time, non-exempt position accountable to the Senior Pastor through the Director of Music. The primary responsibility is to provide organ and piano music for worship services, funerals, and special events while accompanying the congregation, choir, and Worship Band in various musical styles. Additional duties include attending staff and worship planning meetings, educating the congregation about the sanctuary organ, overseeing its maintenance, and organizing the Annual Lenten Organ Recital Series. The role also involves serving on the Worship Ministry Team and managing relevant budget items.
Pizza and Game night was a wonderful evening of delicious DoubleDave's Westlake's pizza, fun games, and most importantly another opportunity for intergenerational connections with our faith community. The room was filled with joy & laughter as we played Bunco, Mexican Train Dominoes, Swoop, Golf and minute-to-win-it games with the kids! Thank you to everyone who attended, it was a blast!
WHPC's Thrilling Thursday was a complete success! Our children had an amazing time doing ALL the fun things. We had bounce houses, homemade bubbles, reading with Ms. Peggy, water slides on our playground, paining with Lorraine, a balloon parade, Olympic relays, themed snacks, and most importantly a lot of laughter, friendships, surrounded by love. Thank you to everyone who participated. We are SO excited for next summer! Stay tuned dear families!
The party never stopped at VBS this year. We had so much fun with our children and volunteers as we learned all about how Jesus gives us endless reasons to celebrate. All week we danced, played silly and sometimes messy games, flew paper airplanes, and painted paper mâché bowls. What a blast to start the summer with so much joy and celebration for the Lord.
School is over and our kiddos are moving up! Every child was celebrated and promoted as we paraded through the church wearing our graduation hats and waving our pom poms. Goodbye 2023/2024 school year!
🎉🎈 Children’s Thrilling Thursday: Inflatable Funday was a blast! Our little artists had a great time drawing on balloons and letting their creativity soar. Stay tuned for more fun and exciting events coming your way! 🎨✨
On April 14th, our church joyfully received 25 new members from this year’s confirmation class. These students gave so much of their time to this six-month experience of exploring their faith with gifted teachers and mentors. I was in awe when the three teachers spoke to their small groups at the breakfast that morning. One talked about the earnestness of her group - earnest in their pursuit of knowledge, with their questions and with their honesty. All talked about how privileged they were to walk alongside these students. It was such a beautiful example of the blessing that comes from serving others - especially young people.
It took a lot of people to make confirmation successful - staff, mentors, parents, teachers, and of course - you! Your financial giving allowed us to offer this amazing ministry for the year and to celebrate them well. Thank you!
You could feel the anticipation when you walked into the dining hall for Sunday Funday. The kids’ eager eyes stared at the bingo prize table full of squishmallows, nerf guns, giant candy bars and games. We ate, we played, and we cheered for the winners. And everyone got to take home a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It was a lovely time together for the families of WHPC.
Our week of VBS was stellar in so many ways and we have much to celebrate! First, we want to thank all of our volunteers who dedicated their time to help the children of our church and community know Jesus better. We learned how to shine Jesus’ light in our lives, so people around us can see the love of God.
Easter is a time to celebrate and we did just that at our Sunday Funday. With over 1,000 Easter eggs, the kids filled their baskets with candy and treats as they hunted for eggs on the playgrounds. Family and friends enjoyed a wonderful lunch and fellowship throughout the afternoon. It was fun for all and we are so happy you joined us!
This retreat was full of God-filled moments. From the student-led talks and student-written devotionals to the family-style meals and copious amounts of free time - these students I know experienced something miraculous. From camping on top of a mountain, to early sunrise kayak adventures, and all the free time to fellowship with one another in this community. I hope that you will be able to hear the God-filled stories in the coming weeks! To help you get a better picture of what it was like check out the pictures above!