
Meet Élida, an extraordinary woman who works in the kitchen of a local hotel, cares for her family, and attends ESL class at Manos de Cristo. Élida’s story is not only inspiring, but also a powerful reminder of the grit, determination, and resilience that immigrants bring to this country.
As an ESL instructor, I had the pleasure of teaching Élida in an Introductory ESL (English as a Second Language) class. During one of our classes, we worked on English vocabulary for weekly schedules, and I asked Élida to share her schedule with the class. What I heard next completely blew me away!
Every day, Élida wakes up at 3:00 a.m. She starts work in the hotel kitchen at 4:00 a.m., where she works a full day preparing food for guests. After work, she goes home to care for her children and prepare meals for her family.
But Élida’s day does not end there. She then attends ESL class from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Elida gets home around 10:00 p.m. and starts all over again the next day. Even after a long day at work and taking care of her family, Élida makes time for her education. Élida never misses class, always completes her homework, and is a cheerful and enthusiastic participant in class.
And Élida’s story is not unique. Among my ESL students, I have had an aspiring banker (who wants to open a bank to make loans for poor people), several aspiring restauranteurs, and a young woman who is learning English so she can get a degree in graphic design, among other aspirations.
I have had the pleasure of working with Manos de Cristo for a year and a half. Although I am a relatively new volunteer, our church has supported Manos de Cristo for decades. Many church members have volunteered at Manos’ food pantry; others have taught classes at Manos; and still others have served on the Board of Directors. And, of course, a very large number of you have kept the food pantry at Manos de Cristo stocked by filling up Blue Bags and contributing gift cards.
While our church has had a longstanding relationship with Manos de Cristo, it bears repeating Manos’ mission statement:
Manos de Cristo’s mission is to empower low-income individuals with a loving hand of assistance and without regard to age, gender, race, or religious preference. Manos de Cristo promotes dignity and self-reliance by meeting basic needs with food and clothing, providing essential oral care, and furthering educational development.
Manos’ focus on providing assistance with dignity and self-reliance is a key component of its mission. As an example, the aspiring graphic design student who was in my Intro class last summer is now on ESL Level Two. She has completed two years of ESL classes in less than 12 months! Talk about self-reliance!
In addition to ESL classes, Manos de Cristo offers Citizenship and Computer Classes, and enrolls approximately 600 students each semester. During the pandemic, Manos de Cristo pivoted to online classes and now offers both in-person and online classes and tutoring opportunities.
One of the challenges for ESL and Citizenship Class students is that they do not have the opportunity to speak English outside of class. They speak Spanish at home and at work. They speak Spanish with friends and go to Spanish-speaking churches.
These students need volunteers who simply will give them the opportunity to practice English, help them learn correct pronunciation and sentence structure, and for Citizenship Class students, prepare for oral citizenship interviews. These students relish the opportunity to try out their new language skills and are grateful for every offer of help.
In closing, I cannot say enough about how the opportunity to work with Manos de Cristo has blessed my life. I would be happy to discuss volunteer opportunities at Manos de Cristo with you at any time.
If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, you can contact Manos de Cristo directly at 512-628-4203 or or you may contact me at 512-799-6039 or
Thank you.
Chris Reynolds