Meet Dave Ballbach
One of the most challenging calls in ministry as a music and administrative pastor; came at a time when I was experiencing burn out and what professional counselors might diagnose as “functional freeze” – state of emotional and physical shutdown in response to overwhelming stress or trauma.
I remember complete exhaustion, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I had feelings of being stuck, numb, disconnected from life and at times, trouble making decisions. I had to work at staying motivated to accomplish my work.
I was able to emerge out of this dark period by:
Asking God to share the journey with me as promised in Matthew 11:29. The metaphor of a yoke and the Holy Spirit carrying the burden helped lead me to find rest for my soul.
In my brokenness, seeking a spirit of humility, openness and gratitude.
Professional and spiritual counseling.
Searching God’s word. Encouragement from Philippians 4:4-9
Reaching out to significant others in my life for support and guidance.
Exercise and diet.
To this day, I use this formula for life as I experience times of discouragement and challenge.