WHPC Children’s Sunday School

Sunday School Time

9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Childcare is provided during our 9:00 am & 11:00 am
worship services for ages infant - pre-k.
All elementary children will remain with parents
during worship services.

Infants - Pre-k

Room 102 - Infants

Room 101 - Pre-k

Room 147 - Toddlers

Our youngest children are invited as we teach them about Jesus's love through play, music, books, and songs.

Kinder - 1st Grade

Bethlehem Room

Teachers: Ms. Ann Foley and Ms. Eva Fain
Join us for a time to explore stories from the Bible with worship, crafts, and games.

2nd - 3rd Grade

Room 126

Teachers: Ms. Karen Shannon and Ms. Katherine Couch
Join us for a time to explore stories from the Bible with worship, crafts, and games.

4th - 5th Preteen

Narnia Room

Mr. Chris Shannon and Mr. Andrew Assir
Our preteen kids experience a fun and engaging Sunday morning through age appropriate bible teaching, gym games,
and discussion questions.

Worship Arts

Every Sunday, our children get the unique opportunity to participate in a time of music with our Director of Worship and our organist/pianist. Through songs, rhythm, and instruments - our kids learn the joy of worship through the arts!